Friday, November 4, 2011

Who is...Buddy Wayne Goettsch?

When I first began writing the treatment for what would become VOC I knew instantly that I wanted Buddy Wayne Goettsch to be the one to bring Devin to life. I've had the luxury of knowing Buddy for well over a decade and while we have tackled various projects over the years none of them were as intense as what VOC would become.

For those of you who don't know, Buddy Wayne Goettsch is a force of nature in the entertainment world. His career began at the age of 5 when his parents would invite friends over and have Buddy perform for hours at a time on the piano and organ. From there, music and theatre became his passion. He has fronted, birthed and taken part in more musical acts than I have room to list (Lock the Gate, Time Peace, The Current and The Strugglers just to name a few) and is a musical jack of all trades, playing guitar, bass, drums and piano. And then there's that Voice. Buddy is hands down one of the best vocalists in the business and he has made opportunities to flaunt and hone his craft across the country and throughout Europe. Rumor has it he may be jumping back into the studio in the very near future to begin work on a brand new cd.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, Buddy devoted a solid portion of his life to the theatrical stage. As with his bands, the shows he's participated in over the years are far too numerous to list but, as evident by his performance in this film, it was truly time well spent.

What makes Buddy invaulable to any project he puts his hands on, however, is his Dedication. Buddy's prints are all over VOC. In the beginning, he was my sound board for character and story ideas. He willingly threw himself into an intense rehearsal schedule, never complaining about the long hours, late nights and lost weekends. As time went on he played a pivotal role in organizing the raw footage of the movie and supplying me with screen captures that I get to show off here. And as if he didn't have anything else to do, Buddy is currently working on the score for the film.

On top of all of that, in spite of all of that, Buddy amazed me at every single shoot. For those of you who know him, and those of you who are soon to meet him, you know that Buddy is a shot of energy, plain and simple. He brings a party (and an after-party) to every situation. In many respects, Buddy is the antithesis of Devin Reeves, which is why I was so impressed. Devin is dark in ways that most people can't comprehend, let alone bring to life. In the beginning, Buddy let me know that he had concerns regarding the emotional doors he would have to open to properly give Devin life. He had to go to several dark and scary places, places that took days to shake off, but he never complained. Not once.

For that alone I consider it an honor to have had the chance to work with him on VOC...and I can't wait to start rolling on the sequel.

(Just kidding)

(sort of...)



Wednesday, November 2, 2011

VOC in Print...The hell you say?

Well good morning True Believers! It was a long night, in part to Paul calling to say "Oh yeah, the interview for Victims of Circumstance got printed and is out right now!" That sort of derailed my night...where could I find this it online? No, not til Friday....well I can't wait that long. I hop in the car and head out to Northwest Indiana, where I find cast, crew, director, and groupie hanging out reading their own personal copy of a story on VOC. Not to be out done, I have to read it myself.

First of all...thank you Stephanie Vega for the interview! I know Paul is good at putting words to paper, but you made him sound all polished and professional. Thanks. Also...Aaron Brown's poster featuring Buddy Wayne Goettsch looks more impressive in print then it does hanging on my wall (of course I got a movie poster looks cool). The article is kind enough to mention some of our generous partners, who have opened their establishments as filming locales and lent their immense talents to our project.

So please support Northwest Indiana Entertainer ( and pick up a copy. For those of you outside of the Chicago metro area, the article will appear on line later this week, please check it out.



Monday, October 31, 2011

The True Believers of VOC

There is so much information that I want to write in this post that I just can't...Victims of Circumstance has this peculiarly semi-charmed life.  I don't want to jinx it by breaking news too early.

When you listen to the story of how this movie got made, I want you to realize that you, good reader, were here...when it all happened.  I wish I could tell you the great news we got this weekend, but the time is not right.  Up to this point our little, me, and Paul have been had this lovely little secret.  A story that Paul wrote and with the hard work of some amazingly talented people was able to capture "on film" to share with the world.  Well later this week, our little secret is about to spread to a slightly larger audience.  Paul and VOC are going to be featured in an article that will drop online and in print and we are thrilled.  

This is just the tip of the iceberg.  You have been privy to a family secret and now we are about to share it with a few more people.  Will you please help welcome them?  Share it with your friends and your family.  You were the first to know, to be aware of this great little project.  As Paul likes to say, you are a part of the True Believers.

For those of you who don't know...J.I.Lange Productions is managing this whole process.  Mike and Paul are excited to be apart of a great production team and have faith that we've partnered correctly to bring VOC to the national and hopefully international stage.  J.I.Lange has added a forensic technical consultant, marketing managers, social media consultants, graphic artists, and industry professionals to help pave the way to seeing VOC on the big screen.

The last thing I would like to add is a big thank you to our international audience!  I never would have thought that the little film that could would have followers in the UK, India, Japan, Russia, Poland, Germany, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Columbia, and our humble respect to the service men and women who are taking time out in Afghanistan to read the blog and ask about the movie.

Thank you all...and we'll see you at the movies!  Mike

#vocfilm, #indiefilm, #chicagomovies, #indiemovies