Sarah Moore has a set of Eyes that are a filmmaker's dream. I've yet to enounter an actress who can throw so many emotions as quickly or as intensely as she can, all without saying a single word.
Captivating. That's the best word I can use.
I've known Sarah for a number of years now and for a host of reasons she was my first choice to take on the role of Caitlyn. When the film eventually drops she is going to take you on a roller-coaster ride of highs, lows and everything in between. Trust me on that.
Many of you know Sarah from her other theatrical/web adventures, but for those of you have yet to have the pleasure, allow me to introduce you to the First Lady of VOC.
Paul: How long have you been involved in performance art?
Sarah: I did my first play when I was in second grade and started singing shortly after. I was heavily involved with it in high school and went on to get my B.F.A. in Theater with an acting emphasis from Millikin University in 2003.
Paul: You write, direct, produce and choreograph. If you had to pick just one...
Sarah: Of those? I'd rather write. But honestly, I'd rather act.
Paul: You're Mom to two adorable kids. How do you find the time to pursue your projects?
Sarah: I don't sleep. It involves a lot of late nights, copious amounts of coffee, and stolen accidental naps during the day when they are at school. Also, my house doesn't get cleaned as often as I would like.
Sarah: I'd love to wait until inspiration strikes, but I've had to keep myself to a schedule. I try to write something every single day. I also try to make myself accountable to another person to keep me motivated. I set a table read or a production meeting that requires a finished script so that I stay on the ball.
Paul: What was your favorite aspect of working on VOC?
Sarah: I loved that all I had to do was show up and say my lines. It was a refreshing change. For Gamer Chick I am writing, producing, costuming, acting and a million other things. For VOC I just played one character. One hat on my head. That was nice. It let me focus.
Paul: Professionally, where are you hoping to be in 5 years?
Sarah: I just want to still be creating.
Paul: Last question, and now it gets tough: You can have one dessert...just one...for the rest of your life. What is it?
Sarah: This is a completely unfair question. Desserts are very important to me. I'm going to go with cupcakes. They come in so many different forms and they are adorable.